Become a member today!

✔ Free entrance to all our events ( 3x Eat-togethers, 2xFootball Tournament, 1x Gala, total non-member value 500kr)
✔ NBD Magazine (comes twice per year)
✔ Free entrance at TEA+ (non-member fee 50 kr, once per month)
✔ Free entrance at Quangaza concerts (non-member fee 30 kr, once per month)


You choose yourself how you prefer to pay your membership subscription.
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The next event you can attend for free:
[add_eventon_list number_of_months=”12″ event_count=”3″ hide_month_headers=”yes” ft_event_priority=”yes” tiles=”yes” tile_bg=”1″ tile_count=”3″ only_ft=”no”  tile_height=”260″ lang=”L2″ hide_empty_months=”yes” show_limit=”yes” ]


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September 27, 2018
Kommende events